The Aesthetics Collective Classic Lips

As we begin to age our lips start to get thinner and begin to lose their definition. You may have noticed fine slines forming around your lips and at the corners. Lip enhancement allows you to get more difinition in your lips and give your mouth an alluring and youthful look. Some people want larger more volumised lips, Classic technique does this perfectly without changing the shape of the lips.

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What to Expect

Please prepare for your derma fillers by following the below preparations: - Limit alcohol consumption the week prior (having none the night before your procedure). – Avoiding strenuous exercise the day of treatment, as this increases the heart rate and speeds up blood flow, meaning it increases your risk of bruising – Not using Vitamin E, Aspirin, Herbal Supplements, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen 1-2 weeks prior to treatment as these medications are more likely to cause bruising - Patients should also get plenty of rest the night before the treatment and try to eliminate as much stress as possible during the night before and the day of your treatment to prevent you from feeling rushed and hurried. - When you come in to have your procedure done, you will be asked to remove any make-up, the area that is being treated will then be disinfected, the area to be injected is marked out then the fillers will be injected.